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ИТХ-ын нэгдсэн хуудас

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Reviewing Mineral Extraction and Exploration Licenses in Bayan-oglii Aimag

2014-12-22 909

In accordance with 63rd resolution of the Citizens Representatives Hural (CRH)’s Presidium, Bayan-oglii representatives gathered to review mineral extraction and exploration licenses’ of entities and organizations.  

The review’s aim was to analyze the operation, legal framework, tax payment, environmental footprint and impact of natural exploration,  and to ensure compliance with regulations.

A working group of eight people, led by B.Lazathan CRH’s chairman of Bayan-oglii province, conducted the review of the organizations which included Yushengming SS Mongolia, Mongolian quiper Mining, Mongol diamond Mining, Sagsai mineral resource, Tuvshingarav, Luge-ord,Jun-yan, and Dreamland. 

The following violations were identified during the review.
  1. Certain entities that own licenses for exploration and extraction in the province have not been active for the last 5-8 years
  2. Soum administrative officials have not taken adequate measures to ensure compliance with the laws regulating their activities 
  3. There is a lack of citizen monitoring initiatives and collaboration is low
  4. Entities often fail to pay their imposed taxes on time
  5. The usage, the security and calculation of the chemical agents the entities are using are deficient. 
  6. The usage, quality, and quantity of chemical agents being used are insufficient.  
  7. Certain entities that own licenses have not conducted audits of their environmental footprint (impact) An organizational work plan including water usage and land management was not developed
  8. Collaboration activities (for monitoring) between provincial and soum authorities was not reflected in contracts 
Of additional concern is that Initiatives to improve social welfare, provide occupation safety, and to increase employee salaries is low.   

Following the review, leaders of the mineral extraction and exploration organizations were informed that strict disciplinary action would be taken, in accordance with the law, if the above mentioned issues and violations are not addressed by a certain date stipulated by the review committee.