Иргэдийн төлөөлөгчдийн хурлын нэгдсэн цахим хуудас

ИТХ-ын нэгдсэн хуудас

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Citizens Representative’s Khural of Sumber Soum, in Govisumber Aimag, are using SMS Technology for Information Sharing

2014-10-29 994

Since June 2014, the citizen hall of Sumber Soum, Govisumber Aimag, has implemented a SMS (texting) program, which has enabled the rapid delivery of information, encouraged greater citizens’ participation, while also serving as a tool to contact citizens with vital public service announcements.

Citizens can send messages regarding activities and services provided by soum public organizations and also information concerning referendums. Problems that are encountered at the local level are also raised, and potential solutions are discussed through SMS messaging. Procurement solicitations, invitations, and bids are proactively being sent to local companies and people.

Among other information, ads and news on the local development fund (LDF), warnings against animal theft and poaching, the weather forecast and information concerning meetings, discussions, and upcoming competitions are being delivered through messages.

Public organizations and NGOs are also using messaging to deliver the news and information on the SMS program. Through this unique SMS program, information about the opportunities and services executed and financed by the LDF were given to citizens five times, and referendums were conducted three times among the local citizens, using this innovative approach.

As a result of this program, citizens' participation has increased, with people actively taking part in referendums on local issues. Citizens can also provide their suggestions and feedback on the progress and overall quality of LDF funded projects. So far, the program has resulted in 122,000 SMS messages being sent 14 times to 12,200 citizens encompassing 6 bags in Sumber soum.