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Increasing Citizen Participation and Encouraging Local Government Transparency in Govi-Ugtaal Khural, Dundgovi Aimag

2014-11-12 975

The Citizens’ Representative Khural (CRH) of Govi-Ugtaal Khural, Dundgovi Aimag has been active in supporting bagh meetings in an effort to increase citizen participation in decision making and improve local government transparency.  The CRH has been providing financial support for petroleum, telephone fees, and other accumulated expenses incurred during citizen hall gatherings within the baghs.  

After the information is collected at the bagh level during the citizen hall gatherings, khural representatives have mensual meetings to discuss the issues raised.  Some of the topics discussed during these meetings have included:  
1. Representative Ethics
2. Direction of Work
3. Proposed Laws
4. Function of Committees
5. Quorums and Deliberations 
6. Open Discussion

These communal bagh discussions are vital forums to receive proposals and initiate discussions with citizens.  In an effort to improve record keeping of these meetings, official blank paper has also been provided by the CRH to the bagh Governors and archives management training has been organized.  

This initiative is possible through the appointment of an individual who is specifically responsible for assisting in the coordination of the citizen hall meetings, ensuring that internet services are working, and organizing further discussions with the Governor and CRH.  This appointed individual is also responsible for collecting the summary minutes of the bagh meetings and distributing the consolidated information to khural representatives three days prior to the mensual meetings.  Moreover, they are responsible for ensuring that the ideas discussed are included in the annual work plan.  

Other efforts to encourage citizens’ participation and ensure government transparency include the use of information boards for news and important public announcements, radio interviews and discussions, consultations and meetings with local officials (business owners and government officials), which are all open to the public.