Иргэдийн төлөөлөгчдийн хурлын нэгдсэн цахим хуудас

ИТХ-ын нэгдсэн хуудас

Нутгийн өөрөө удирдах байгууллага нь аймаг, нийслэл, сум, дүүрэгт тухайн нутаг дэвсгэрийн иргэдийн Төлөөлөгчдийн Хурал, баг, хороонд иргэдийн Нийтийн Хурал байна. Монгол Улсын Үндсэн хуулийн Тавин есдүгээр зүйлийн 2 дахь хэсэг МУТББ төслөөс санаачлан бүтээв.

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Interview with B.Enkhkhudolmor: Chairman of the 2nd khoroo of Khanuul district

2015-01-14 1019


Question: Could you please introduce yourself? 
Over the last 30 years, I have been working for the State and I have held my present position, as Citizen Representative Hural (CRH) chairman of the 2nd khoroo in Khanuul district, since 2008.  Previously, I held office in the CRH of Arkhangai aimag (once) and three times at soum level.  

Question: What are your impressions of CRH activities at the bagh and soum levels?
When I was elected chairman of the khoroo in 2008, I was responsible for the establishment of the “Information Center” project, which was implemented with the purpose of increasing citizen participation through information sharing.  At all levels of government, including at bagh and soum level, information sharing and citizen participation is interconnected and among my responsibilities was to assist in the overall functioning of the center.  As part of its services, the center organizes monthly discussions for citizens to share their problems.  Issues raised are compiled and proposed solutions are discussed among committees, the secretariat, and other officials. This is an important initiative to increase citizen participation and engagement.  

Question: Very impressive, Khanuul district is a leader of citizen participation.  How about within the 2nd khoroo, what types of activities are managed? 
For our district, we have citizen sub-committees which oversee and manage the khoroos.  They also contribute to overall functioning of responsibilities and activities related to the Local Development Fund (LDF).   

Question: How do you envisage the bagh and khoroo development within the near future?
The overall development of the district will depend greatly on the success of activities at the khoroo level. Previously, khoroos struggled with funding, but now we are grateful to receive a budget (200,000 MNT) from the district.   In addition, I support the idea of establishing committees within the CRH of Khanuul district.